Saturday, 17 December 2011




For my last digital painting assignment, I chose to do something that was more personal to me.

Post Apocalyptic Theme Park



This is my background. My concept was, what would a theme park look like in a post-apocalyptic world(or zombie take-over). Again, time was an issue, but using flats really helped me out. I wanted it to feel eerie and desolate. This is definitely not complete, as I had so much to add, and may revisit it and finish it.  

Autobot Car



This is my car painting. I do not generally enjoy creating mechanical/inorganic things, but I do enjoy Transformers. So that brought on the idea and inspiration to paint a car based on the Autobot symbol. This was a really good exercise on knowing your planes, because I found, the little planes of a car are actually numerous and subtle. Also light hitting metal was quite difficult. I found the use of flats very helpful in this one. Overall, I was happy with how it turned out. Although there can be more fixes, I feel that for my first time doing a car, it wasn't that bad.

Le Creature



This is my creature painting. In my early thought process, I wanted him to be swinging from tree branch to tree branch from a high angle, and looking down on the forest. Unfortunately, time-wise, I couldn't do it, so I just painted the creature instead. This is my first time playing with fur. I think it turned out alright, but I could have pushed the fuzziness of the fur a little bit more...

Hands and Face Painting



Here is my process for the Hands and Face painting. My concept was to make a character from Avatar: The Last Airbender. I wanted to make a water bender. I was happy with the pose and the composition, but not so happy with how the water came out. I wanted it to be more see through, but it was just really difficult with the time constraints. I also had trouble with the foreshortened arm/hand pose. Overall, I liked the feel of it, and might even work on it and define it more.

BG - B/W Tonal



This is my b/w background tonal. We had a choice of a variety of different light sources, and I chose to do the light source coming from the lamp behind the couch. I feel that I got the glow of the lamp on the right track. However, I wish I would've had more time with cleaning up the flats/lines as some edges are not very nice looking. It was a good exercise on lighting though.

Digital Fish

Here is my fishy. My concept was a betta crossed with that frilly dinosaur that killed the big guy in Jurassic Park. I had  a bit of a problem with how dark the right eye got and how much lighter the left part of his head was. I also had a real difficulty painting the scales and actually did them one scale at a time because at the time, I didn't know how to use the copy and paste trick. I wish I could've worked on his tail more, maybe round them out more. I think I focused on his head a little too much time-wise but overall, I like how it turned out.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Barbra Streisand. Oh woo oh woo oh woo oh woo oh

Caricature of Barbra Streisand done in Digital Tools class today. Had lotsa fun with this one :)

Monday, 27 June 2011

Saturday, 25 June 2011

First Post

So here's my hand study in prog. right now.. I really like how its turning out. :)